FANS Member Story Form FANS Member Story Form We love hearing from FANS members about their sporting achievements and how the scheme is helping them to achieve their sporting goals. If you’re an existing FANS member and would like to share your story with us, please answer the questions below and click complete and we’ll add your case study to our webpage shortly. If you have any queries please email Full Name:* Email Address:* Which sport do you compete in?* Tell us a bit about yourself:* What are your sporting achievements to date?* How does the FANS scheme support you?* Which facilities do you visit?* What are your hopes and dreams for the future?* Would you recommend the FANS scheme to anyone thinking about applying?* What are your social media handles (so we can tag you in any posts)? Which Sports Club do you belong to? What are your club's social media handles (so we can tag them in any posts)? Are there any other organisations you would like us to tag onto our social media posts? If you have one, please supply a link to your Crowdfunding page (or similar) and will add it to your story. We would love to see some photos of you competing and using local facilities that we can share on social media and add to your story. Please upload some photos using the buttons below:* Additional photos: Additional photos: Additional photos: Additional photos: I confirm that Active Kent & Medway can use the information provided (including photos) to support reports, case studies and sharing events. If the FANS member is under 18 years old, I confirm that I am the parent/guardian and that Active Kent & Medway can use the information provided. - Choose - Yes Please click the link below to read the Active Kent & Medway Privacy Policy.Privacy Policy - ActiveKent Thank you for completing this FANS Member Story form. Active Kent & Medway