FANS Scheme feedback form We’d love to hear about how you have used the FANS scheme and the impact it has had on your sporting journey. Please fill in the below form so Active Kent & Medway can share your story. FANS Scheme feedback form Name:* Email:* District you live in (please select):* - Choose - Ashford Canterbury Dartford Dover Folkestone & Hythe Gravesham Maidstone Medway Sevenoaks Swale Thanet Tonbridge & Malling Tunbridge Wells Which sport(s) do you participate in?* I am... (please select):* - Choose - Male Female Non Binary Prefer to self-describe Prefer not to say I am aged... (please select):* - Choose - 0 - 15 16 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 49 50 - 59 60 - 64 65 - 74 75 - 84 85+ Prefer not to say Do you consider yourself to have a disability? (please select):* - Choose - Yes No Prefer not to say Please could you tell us about the nature of your disability (please select all that apply):* Learning disability Physical disability Sensory impairment Mental Health condition Long-term health condition Other Prefer not to say What is your ethnicity? (please select):* - Choose - White Mixed Asian or Asian British Black or Black British Other Prefer not to say How often do you access sport and leisure facilities through the scheme? (please select):* - Choose - Daily 2 - 3 times per week Once a week Once a fortnight Once a month I do not use a leisure facility Which sport and leisure facilities do you currently use and what do you use there?* Have you ever accessed any of the additional benefits of the scheme? (please select all that apply):* University sport science testing and support Information sheets on the Active Kent & Medway website Small grant for FANS members (in full-time education) I have not accessed any additional benefits How has the FANS scheme benefited your training and competition?* How did you find the FANS application process?* How do you think the FANS scheme could be improved?* Any other comments... We’re keen to use our FANS members more to inspire communities across Kent & Medway to get active, this could be through visits, social media and blogs. Would this be something you’d be interested in?* Yes No We would love to see some photos of you competing and using local facilities that we can share on social media and add to our talented performers webpages. If you would like us to include you in this way, please upload some photos: Additional photos: Additional photos: Additional photos: I confirm that Active Kent & Medway can use the information provided (including photos) to support reports, case studies and sharing events. If the FANS member is under 18 years old, I confirm that I am the parent/guardian and that Active Kent & Medway can use the information provided.* Yes Thank you for completing the FANS Membership Survey. We appreciate your cooperation and feedback.Active Kent & Medway