Active Kent - Become Youth Mental Health Aware
This FREE introductory session raises awareness of young people’s mental health. It covers: Some of the common mental health issues affecting young people, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders and psychosis Skills to work more effectively with young people living with mental health issues Ways to support young people with a mental health issue and relate to their experiences
- Contact
- Mr Stuart Butler / stuart.butler@kent.gov.uk
- When
- Thu, 27th Mar 2025 (19:00 - 21:30)
Active Kent - Become Youth Mental Health Aware
- This is a two and a half hour course delivered online via Zoom
- Learning takes place through a mix of presentations, group discussions and workshop activities
- We limit numbers to 25 people per course so that the instructor can keep people safe and supported while they learn
Everyone who completes the session gets:
- A certificate to say you are Youth Mental Health Aware
- A manual to keep and refer to whenever you need it
- Higher or lower activity
- What is mental health?
- Protective and risk factors
- Stigma and discrimination
- Mental Health Continuum
- Protective and risk factors case studies
- Self-harm and suicide
- Signs and symptoms of mental ill health in young people
- Stress Container
- Hand Model of the Brain
- Take Time Together
- Signposting to professional and self-help
- Safeguarding
- Recovery
- Self-awareness and self-care
- Action for Happiness: GREAT DREAM
- Personal pledge
- Wider perspective
This training is being offered to us free of charge thanks to funding secured by The Tommy Crush Foundation (Home - Tommy Crush Foundation)