Active Kent - Live Longer Better Network event (online) Icon

Active Kent - Live Longer Better Network event (online)

Join Active Kent and Medway and special guests Sir Muir Gray and Ross Mullis for our next online Live Longer Better Network event.

Online event
Michelle Bird / / 03000 414001

Active Kent - Live Longer Better Network event (online)

We are excited to announce that our next free online Kent and Medway Live Longer Better Network and Learning event will take place on Tuesday 13th June 2023 at 10am – 11.30am.

The focus of the event will be on dementia and the importance of activity and movement for healthy ageing. The aim is to bring together key partners, stakeholders, audience representatives and high-profile speakers to inspire, inform, explore, and discuss opportunities and challenges for supporting Kent and Medway's ageing population.

Join us to learn how we can work together to encourage longer, healthier, and happier lives for older adults.

During the session...

  • Sir Muir Gray will introduce the Live Longer Better revolution and discuss the Dementia campaign. Live Longer Better aims to improve the wellbeing of older people and increase healthy life expectancy, thus reducing the need for health and social services. Sir Muir Gray is widely recognised as one of the most creative minds in British medicine and was knighted for his services to the NHS.
  • Ross Mullis will provide an overview of the work of Alzheimer's and Dementia Support Services (ADSS). Ross is a Dementia Coordinator supporting Rochester, Gillingham South, Medway Rainham, Sheppey, and Sittingbourne.
  • Question and Answer session with the speakers.
  • Introduction to our flagship Everyday Active campaign and resources.
  • Connect, share, inform and explore conversations with other delegates.

Why are we involved with the Live Longer Better revolution?

The number of people over the age of 80 will double within 10 years​ and the majority of those aged 65+ will experience poor health for more than half their remaining years. Added to which there are worrying levels of inactivity. The impact of Covid-19 and lockdown, particularly for older adults and the resulting deconditioning and isolation, is making the issue worse and has laid bare the urgency of improving the state of ageing​.

Without a change of approach, the already stretched health and social care system will face significant challenges.

We hope you will join us online for this event and help us to grow this network across the county.


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