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Ten Pin Bowling

The player rolls a ball to knock over as many pins as possible.

An Overview of Ten Pin Bowling

Ten-pin bowling is a sport in which a player rolls a bowling ball down a wooden lane with the objective of scoring points by knocking down as many pins as possible. You have two attempts to knock down 10 pins, and the total number you knock down is added to your score. You then have 10 opportunities to get as high a score as possible.


  • The world champion is crowned at the WTBA World Championship held by the World Tenpin Bowling Association since 1954.
  • The "Weber Cup" is the ten-pin bowling equivalent of golf's Ryder Cup.It is the world famous major world tournament of Team Europe vs. Team USA bowling championships that happens annually.

Find Ten Pin Bowling Clubs/Groups Near You

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National Governing Bodies

British Tenpin Bowling Association

Contact Name
General Information
Contact Email
Contact Telephone
020 8478 1745
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