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Sitting Volleyball

Sitting volleyball has grown to be one of the more popular Paralympic sports due to the fast and exciting action.

See Also:

An Overview of Sitting Volleyball

At club level, the game offers both disabled and non-disabled players the opportunity to compete both with and against each other.

A brief overview of the game includes:

  • Sitting Volleyball is played on a 10 x 6 metre court
  • The game is played with a 0.8 meter-wide net set to a height of 1.15 meters for men and 1.05 meters for women
  • There are six players on each side
  • When hitting or attacking the ball, the player must have one "buttock" or an extension of the torso still in contact with the floor.


Playing sitting volleyball has many benefits including keeping fit and meeting new people.


Sitting Volleyball has been a recognised Paralympic sport since 1980.

Find Sitting Volleyball Clubs/Groups Near You

Use the search below to find local organisations near you.

National Governing Bodies

Volleyball England

Contact Name
Head Office
Contact Email
Contact Telephone
01509 227722


LimbPower was launched in November 2009 to engage amputees and individuals with limb impairments in physical activity, sport and the arts to improve quality of life and to aid lifelong rehabilitation