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Lacrosse is a team game where goals are scored by shooting a ball into a net, using a stick with a pocket on the end, called a crosse.

An Overview of Lacrosse

There are different versions of the game:

  • Men's lacrosse is a contact sport so players wear protective clothing including helmets, gloves and arm padding.
  • Women's lacrosse only involves contact between sticks.
  • Mixed lacrosse is played by both men and women or boys and girls.
  • Pop-lacrosse, is completely non-contact, even between sticks. It is mainly played by six to 12-year olds.


Lacrosse is an intense and physical game that improves speed, hand-eye coordination and providing a substantial aerobic and strength-building workout.


English Lacrosse offers a get 'INTO Lacrosse' programme which aimed at getting people playing in a fun, social and friendly environment. This is a great way to start playing lacrosse.

Adaptations and Equipment

Lacrosse clubs will provide all the equipment, referees and coaches to members. For beginners, all you will need is a mouth guard.


  • Lacrosse is one of the oldest team sports in the World. Its origins are from North America where French Missionaries first observed Native Americans playing a ball game with a stick and a net which resembled a cross so they named it "La Crossier" which over time has been shorted to Lacrosse.
  • The Women's Lacrosse World Cup was hosted in England in 2017.

Find Lacrosse Clubs/Groups Near You

Use the search below to find local organisations near you.

National Governing Bodies

England Lacrosse Association

Contact Name
General Information
Contact Email
Contact Telephone
0161 974 7757
Sevenoaks Sport & Wellbeing

Sevenoaks Sport & Wellbeing

Sevenoaks Sport & Wellbeing is a free magazine in the Sevenoaks District in Kent which hosts an annual Showcase Event for local sports clubs.



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