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HIIT is an abbreviation for High Intensity Interval Training

An Overview of HIIT

This type of training involves repeated bouts of high intensity effort followed by varied recovery times. The intense work periods may range from 5 seconds to 8 minutes long, and are performed at 80% to 95% of a person's estimated maximal heart rate, the maximum number of times your heart will beat in a minute without overexerting yourself. The recovery periods may last equally as long as the work periods and are usually performed at 40% to 50% of a person's estimated maximal heart rate. The workout continues with the alternating work


HIIT training has been shown to improve:

  • aerobic and anaerobic fitness
  • blood pressure
  • cardiovascular health
  • insulin sensitivity (which helps the exercising muscles more readily use glucose for fuel to make energy)
  • cholesterol profiles
  • abdominal fat and body weight while maintaining muscle mass.


Use local activity finders or try and identify if a local/regional facility offers this activity. It is also worth looking at the National Governing Body website for opportunities.

Adaptations and Equipment

Equipment varies depending on the exercises involved within each HIIT workout

Find HIIT Clubs/Groups Near You

Use the search below to find local organisations near you.

Snap Fitness Maidstone

Snap Fitness Maidstone

Local gym, Open 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
A great space for Cardio, weight training and classes.
All classes are free for members.
Memberships available for Age 18 years and upwards.